import { Validation, Predicate } from "isomorphic-validation";
const logFn = (fn) => (value) => (log(`${}("${value}")`), fn(value));
const hasLetterA = (value) => /[Aa]+/.test(value);
const hasLetterB = (value) => /[Bb]+/.test(value);
const hasLetterC = (value) => /[Cc]+/.test(value);
const startedCB = ({ isValid }) => {
log(`startedCB({ isValid: ${isValid} }) <-- before`);
const validCB = ({ isValid }) => {
log(`validCB({ isValid: ${isValid} }) <-- after`);
const invalidCB = ({ isValid }) => {
log(`invalidCB({ isValid: ${isValid} }) <-- after`);
const changedCB = ({ isValid }) => {
log(`changedCB({ isValid: ${isValid} }) <-- changes`);
const validatableObject = { value: '' };
const v = Validation(validatableObject)
.constraint( logFn(hasLetterA) )
.constraint( logFn(hasLetterB) )
Predicate( logFn(hasLetterC) )
.started(startedCB) // adding state callbacks
.valid(validCB) // adding state callbacks
.invalid(invalidCB) // adding state callbacks
.changed(changedCB) // adding state callbacks
.started(() => log('---'));
validatableObject.value = 'A';
await v.validate(); // hasLetterC() -> false
validatableObject.value = 'Abc';
await v.validate(); // hasLetterC() -> true, changedCB will be called
validatableObject.value = 'ABCabc';
await v.validate(); // hasLetterC() -> true
validatableObject.value = 'ABab';
await v.validate(); // hasLetterC() -> false, changedCB will be called
// startedCB({ isValid: false }) <-- before
// invalidCB({ isValid: false }) <-- after
// startedCB({ isValid: false }) <-- before
// changedCB({ isValid: true }) <-- changes
// validCB({ isValid: true }) <-- after
// startedCB({ isValid: true }) <-- before
// validCB({ isValid: true }) <-- after
// startedCB({ isValid: true }) <-- before
// changedCB({ isValid: false }) <-- changes
// invalidCB({ isValid: false }) <-- after