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Predicate() constructor

The Predicate() constructor creates Predicate objects.




  • predicateFunction
    A function which returns a Boolean value or a Promise that fulfills with a Boolean value.

Return value

A new Predicate instance.


If neither a function nor another Predicate is passed as the only parameter throws the corresponding error.


Creates a new Predicate instance. It is just a container for a predicate function which will be unpacked in the Validation().constraint() method. The main purpose of it is attaching state callbacks to a predicate function before passing it into the Validation().constraint() method. If another Predicate is passed as the only parameter, a new (cloned) instance will be returned with the predicate function and state callbacks of the passed Predicate.


Passing a predicate function with state callbacks

import { Validation, Predicate } from "isomorphic-validation";
// predicate function
const isMeaningOfLife = (value) => value === 42;
// state callbacks
const logValid = () => console.log('Right.');
const logInvalid = () => console.log('Sorry, return in 7.5 milliones years.');
const validatableObject = {
value: 42,
.valid(logValid) // adding state callbacks
.invalid(logInvalid) // adding state callbacks
.validate(); // -> "Right."

Cloning a Predicate

In this example there are two Predicates which have the same predicate function and valid and invalid state callbacks. But the second one additinaly have started and validated state callbacks added. In other words the second one has everything what the first one has plus two more state callbacks. So we clone the first one and add two extra state callbacks. It spares us from writing a pair of lines of code, but there could be much more.

import { Validation, Predicate } from "isomorphic-validation";
// predicate function
const isMeaningOfLife = (value) => value === 42;
// state callbacks
const logValid = () => console.log('Right.');
const logInvalid = () => console.log('Sorry, return in 7.5 milliones years.');
const logStarted = () => console.log('Start processing...')
const logValidated = () => console.log('Processing ended.');
const obj1 = { value: 42 };
const obj2 = { value: null };
const p1 = Predicate(isMeaningOfLife)
// We could repeat the code of p1 and add two more callbacks
// const p2 = Predicate(isMeaningOfLife)
// .valid(logValid)
// .invalid(logInvalid)
// .started(logStarted)
// .validated(logValidated);
// But instead
const p2 = Predicate(p1) // we clone p1 with its predicate function and state callbacks,
.started(logStarted) // add started state callback
.validated(logValidated); // and validated state callback
const v1 = Validation(obj1)
const v2 = Validation(obj2)
v1.validate(); // -> "Right."
v2.validate(); // -> "Start processing..."
// -> "Sorry, return in 7.5 milliones years."
// -> "Processing ended."